
Karting is the foundation of motorsport, offering drivers of all ages and skill levels an introduction to the world of competitive racing. It takes place on smaller, often temporary circuits, where drivers race in go-karts—lightweight, single-seat vehicles that are both fast and nimble. Despite their simplicity, karting requires a high level of skill, as drivers must master the art of handling a vehicle with minimal downforce and no advanced technology to aid them. Karting serves as a stepping stone for many professional drivers, with many F1 stars, including Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel, starting their careers in karts.

Karting is also a highly accessible sport, with a wide range of categories that cater to both young children and adults. Races can vary from local club events to international championships, offering a fun and competitive environment. The sport not only emphasizes driver skill and racing technique but also encourages sportsmanship and teamwork, with mechanics, parents, and volunteers playing vital roles in the success of drivers. Whether as a hobby or a career launchpad, karting remains one of the most exciting and dynamic forms of motorsport.

How to go Karting
There are many ways to get started and to enjoy the sport of Karting, from rental karts at local kart tracks, to the higher performance racing karts with equipment, clothing and motors to provide a safe racing environment for persons age 8 to 80.
If you want to try the rental karts available at Quyon racetrack available at https://www.lecircuitquyon.com/
or other Karting options at
Lombardy Racing at https://lrkartingclub.com/news/
National Capital Kart Club at https://nckc.net/

Code of Conduct.
The OSCC is a strong supporter of the code of conduct developed by ASN for all Karting participants and it is required reading for all licence holders.
ASN Code of Conduct

How to apply for an OSCC Kart Club 2021 regional level licence
See resources below.

How to apply for a National Licence
At this time there is no local application available, contact Paul Swinwood at karting@OttawaSportsCarClub.ca.

Volunteers always needed
If you believe you want to get started in Karting, the local tracks are always looking for volunteers to help out. A great way to meet the people involved and to see exactly where, how, when and how much karting you can be enjoyed.

1) How to apply for a licence for local club racing at Quyon and other tracks.
Once you are a member of OSCC, (see membership page at OttawaSportsCarClub.ca/membership) to apply for a local club licence please fill out the online application and submit it to: karting@OttawaSportsCarClub.ca.
Licences are valid for one year and expire at the end of December. Please apply for your new club licence starting January 1 of each calendar year.
Licence application is available online at:
Licence cost
Payment of the $60.00 licence for OSCC Kart Licence an e-transfer is to be sent to:
with the description of kart licence applied for and your name. An online payment system will be available shortly.
2) Medical form
All persons wanting to go club kart racing in Canada must fill out a self assessment form for medical fitness.
Get that form here and the background information that you should read that is provided to Physicians once you need a regional or national licence.
Medical Self-Declaration
Email the completed form to karting@OttawaSportsCarClub.ca. The document is handled as required by privacy regulations.
3) Book 1 of Canadian Karting Regulations
2020 Karting Regulations Book 1 Sporting
4) Book 2 of Canadian Karting Technical Regulations
2020 Karting Regulations Book 2 Technical
5) Parental Consent Form
Most tracks will need a parental consent form signed before allowing a minor on the track, this form is available here in English for your usage.
Annual Parental Consent Waiver
6) Approved helmets for 2025.
FIA-CIK Karting Helmet Regulations (May 2020)

Join the Club

For information on joining the Ottawa SportsCar Club, click on the button below.