Race Officials’ Training Day – April 22 at CMP

New Race Officials are needed for every area that is involved with running a race event. Thanks to a great initiative from the Motorsport Club of Ottawa and Calabogie Motorsport Park, this is how, and where, you get started!

With the training, you can work at the Calabogie Motorsport Park’s GT/PT and Libre CMP Challenge Series Races; Regional races; and with experience, right up to the IndyCar and F1 races or at International events!!

Here is where you get started – https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/race-officials-training-day-2017-tickets-33242911443

Training will be in the following four areas:

* Paddock
* Pit Lane
* Scrutineering
* False Grid

The day starts at 10:00 AM, free lunch at noon and ends at 2:00 PM.

Includes Fire Training for every participant delivered by the Calabogie Safety Team.

The goal is to grow the cadre of local officials available for running events in eastern Ontario, including club, CASC-OR, and CMP race series.

If you need further details, please see the listing on Eventbrite.

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